Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ban. Lifted.

A couple of people have asked how our video-free week went.  I've got to tell ya, personally, I loved it.  The first day was tough, but after we sank into the expectations, it went quite smoothly.  Lanie never really got the gist of what we were doing, confused why I wouldn't let her play my phone when she asked.   Lydia easily jumped aboard and Elijah, admittedly without enthusiasm, joined us.

Here's what I learned when you take away (the usual) videos and games:

Your kids want more attention.
You have to be ready to play board games.
There is no arguing about keeping or breaking time limits on games.
There is a lot more playing together.
More chores get done.
Every night, some one asks, what are we going to do tonight (and they expect you to have an answer).
You play outside more.
A lot more reading takes place.
Chasing down the ice cream truck becomes acceptable.

To be fair, when the kids (Elijah) knew that the ban would be lifted on a specific day and watching the new Disney Teen Beach movie premiere that evening was promised, waiting out the week became a lot easier.  That's true for all of us, or for me. I can make it to the end of a tough deadline, as long as I know that deadline is coming.  Elijah was no different.

But I really, really do believe that because of our efforts and extra time, which really seem so simple, things are just a little bit happier in our home.

And I love me a happy home.

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