Monday, May 6, 2013

Kite Days

It was a kite day.  You know those kind.  Where there's a breeze, but not a harsh wind.  There's sun but without humidity.  There are three happy kids who forget to argue.  There are three kids content with bike-riding, ball-throwing & eating outside to the point that their sunscreen-less bodies now sport a little pink hue.  

It was that kind of weekend.  When the yard work was done, for now.  When the house was cleaned up, as good as it gets.  When the calendar was empty for a few hours.  

It also helped that Kenny's birthday is today (May 6th)  so everything we did this weekend was prefaced with, "Well it's dad's birthday so he gets to choose" or "it's Kenny's birthday so whatever he decides."  One of the kids finally said, "But his birthday isn't until Monday!" I told them that as you age, you get more days to celebrate and in Kenny's case, the whole weekend.  Dinner with friends, sleeping in on Saturday, a day in the sun, Iron Man III, and golfing during a lunch break.  It wasn't an exotic locale, or a super duper surprise party, but not too shabby for 3-9. 

But if I was to get mushy, and I will for just a sec, my dear hubby deserves a great deal for all the crazy he puts up with at our house.  He's the calm to our otherwise stormy sea and the anchor to our little boat.  I really don't know why I got all nautical. But I give all thanks to God for knowing exactly what He was doing when he matched me up with this kid from Nebraska. 

 Happy Birthday my dear - enjoy 39 and hold on.  I'm predicting a little crazy mixed with some kite days.  And I can't wait. 

Collected treasures

Lydia riding her new bike - and starting by herself

Lanie, determined to keep the kite in the air

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a great weekend. Now I guess I have to get started on planning your big 4-0.
