Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Intro to Summer

Last Day of School, Closing Chapel
& the Beginning of Summer

In my first and second year of college, I took a lot of Intro classes.  Intro to Psychology, Intro to Art, Intro to Communications, Intro to Health, etc. etc.  Weren't those fun classes? (I was a bit of  a nerd so I'm actually serious when I say that) But don't you recall those easy intro classes with their foreign concepts and ideas compared to the "this is your major and you have 4 years of classes just like this to look forward to" as being enjoyable since the information wasn't something you'd have to retain for long.  Well, I did.  And I may be alone in that.  I remember taking Psych 101 my very first semester and I came home that December and thought I was hot stuff with my newfound knowledge of the Id, Ego and Super ego, Maslow's Hierachy of Needs, and Pavlov's theory.  I tried analyzing everyone.  It didn't always work out so well. 

          But still, I love those 101 classes.  And that's what I was thinking about this weekend, or at 11:30am on Friday when the kid's summer began.  This weekend has been nothing if not totally entertaining and FULL OF FRIENDS, FRIENDS, FRIENDS, so much so that I'm afraid the rest of the summer may wane in comparison like those 201 and 301 classes toward your major.  BUT, there's still hope. And not to ruin my analogy, but those Advanced classes could also be great and pack a punch as well with the right professor, so enter me -- creator of summer fun. No pressure, right.  Expectations are set now, and I've got a job to do to make the next 86 days something beyond tv shows and video games.  And yes, I know that is a dream summer for some (Elijah) but there just has to be more, right?  I've got to make it more.  Sleeping in, yes.  Hanging out in pjs, yes.  Swimming daily, yes. But something more.  I'm still working on the syllabus (sorry, I dreaded writing that and carrying on the awkward analogy) so check back.  But for now, Summer is underway - this Memorial weekend with its going-out-to-eat, sleep overs, birthday parties, bbq's, and beach houses  - was the introduction.  

@ Floyds  -- friends, food, music & fun drinks

These kids are so tired.  

@ Galveston -- our introduction to the Hergenrader's BEST OF TIMES beach house & its backyard beach

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