Monday, April 23, 2012

The Dance Recital Racket

    When I was younger and danced 15 years with the Peggy Lanik Dance Studio, which I have great affection for, our recitals weren't cheap, but they certainly didn't drain the pocketbook (although I should ask my mom and dad about that for sure).  I recall my mom making many of my costumes - standing in the living room in front of our big, gold mirror while she measured me, jabbed pins into my side, or glued on sequins, me complaining all the while.  Our recitals also lasted 3 or 4 evenings and while this must have been torture on all those dads and brothers who had to sit through a couple of hours a night, we didn't have any problem finding seats or for that matter, pay for our seats.  Our bulletins were printed in black and white, no color ads included, and definitely did not cost. The one kid who had a great uncle who actually owned a video camera and a tripod recorded just the dances we wanted and dubbed them for us, again at no cost and there was definitely not a professional photographer walking around taking still shots to be sold later.
   I say all this only to compare what I'm facing with the girls' first dance recital.  We had a parent meeting this weekend and I was bowled over by the things that cost that I'd always taken for granted  and the directions I was given.  Unlike the "old" days, where you showed up with red lipstick, blue eye shadow, and dippity-doo in your hair, we were given specific rules - from the color of base to the 3-tone eye shadow.  I like that this studio is very organized, communicates well with their dancers, and wants their girls to look similar, but I'm not sure when it got so rigid.
   And since this is a bit of a tirade already, the most devastating part of the whole business is that each family receives 4 "free" tickets for recital night, but we need 7.  We have both sets of grandparents coming.  So, today, along with 40 or so other women, I waited in line for the few extra tickets they have to give.  And as it goes -- with only 3 people to go -- SOLD OUT! SOLD OUT!  Really. 4 tickets for 7 people?
   So, it's the waiting game.
Will more tickets become available?
Will we send Elijah and the grandpas out for the evening? (they might prefer that)
Or will the Ward/Buehring family pretend that rehearsal night (which is open for anyone to watch) is actually THE BIG RECITAL?
And will Lydia or Lanie ever remember their first dance recital and all the excitement that went along with it?
Well, yeah they will.  Since I have to spend $35 for a video.
What a racket!

1 comment:

  1. Have you joined the Peggy lanik dancers page on Facebook?
