Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Big E, Little e

     If you are a Seuss fan, then you may have thought the subject line was regarding his ABC book, which would go:  "Big E, little e, what begins with E? Ear, egg, elephant, E, E. E." But, it's not.  Instead, this short blog is about my biggest and my littlest.  Since Elaine was born, on all my calendars, I have scribbled "E" for Elijah events and "e"for Elaine events.  I even called her "little e" for awhile, until her nickname Lanie stuck, though not the spelling.  It's jumped from Laney to Lainey to Lanie.  But that's a different story.  But in school, they call her Elaine.  Just Elaine.  Certainly the kids look around for their great aunt to walk in the door, but no, it's my little girl with an old-soul name.

     This past weekend, Lydia was invited to two birthday parties - just her, no siblings.  And one of them was a sleepover, so we were without our joyful little buffer of a middle child all day and night.  And it was strange, yet remarkable.  My oldest and youngest, 5 years apart, but who look awfully alike and have similar personality traits, spent their day playing together.  Which is highly unusual.  Without big sister there to play with, Lanie had to either play alone, or reach out to her big brother.  And she did, and he bent, and they did wonderfully.

Of course, a trampoline full of water balloons helped out with the fun.  Getting soaking wet always brings kids together, big or little.

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