Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sidewalk Chalk?

     I have been deliberating on my feelings about sidewalk chalk.  Yeah, I know, way too much time on my hands.  I have always liked the idea of it, (kids playing outside, being creative, time with mom, etc.) but never really liked it.  It may have something to do with years of teaching with a black board and the proverbial finger-nail scratch and chills down the spine thing.  It also makes for disgusting feet and clothes, but that's okay, I"m not that high-maintenance when it comes to my children and cleanliness.  Kenny would disagree.
      With the spring-like weather yesterday (woo hoo), I sat outside in the front yard with the kids.  I had planned on sitting on a bench and reading while they chalked, but that's not where we are yet.  I"m still needed to trace bodies and answer to the "Mommy, draw me a house" pleas.
     With only 20% of my book left (I don't know page numbers anymore because my dark-ages Kindle only gives percentages) I had that "argh" feeling about getting on the ground and getting chalky.  But, I sucked it up and drew a sweet little house with windows, shutters and everything, and then got carried away drawing a sun, butterfly, bird, tree, swing-set and then a whole family with bright pink and blue hair.  It was fun, really.  Or maybe I need a creative outlet so badly that I just thought it was fun. . . No, I will take back all of my negative chalk-talk here and now and give it a thumbs up.  And the kids went on to create their own masterpieces of traced bodies that proudly identified their own personalities.  Elijah's had a baseball, cleats and baseball bat. Lydia's wore a crown and high heels. And Lanie begged me to give hers earrings and hold a baby doll.

And then I hurried them inside to "take a shower and clean off all that chalk."

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