Thursday, February 16, 2012

The continuing saga of FITZ

This story still amazes me, so I have to write about it.
        It all started last September when one of our two cats, Jade died.  Yes, it was sad (mostly for me and Kenny since she was never too friendly to the kids) and No, we weren't considering getting another cat to take her place.  We still have 15-year-old Boo Radley, the cat I brought to the marriage.  Much to our surprise, in October this friendly, adorable cat walked onto our porch and into our front door and won all of us over (except Radley).  For the first time, the kids had a cat who really played, who jumped and ran and well, things that cats do (who aren't 15 years old).  After Halloween names like Spooky, Skittles, and Goblin were discussed, we ended up with Fitz.  Can't be sure how.
        Fitz was playful and loving, but preferred to be outside.  He would cozy up at night but mostly enjoyed watching birds, running after kids at the park (really), and sunning on the fence.  I wasn't surprised when on January 1st (the day this picture was taken) Fitz disappeared.  We waited a day, a second day, and finally realized that he is just too friendly not to have been taken by someone else.  We put out the obligatory signs and the kids called for him whenever they were outside.  I had a feeling, and forgive the Shawshank Redemption quote, but "some birds, or cats, aren't meant to be caged."  He would never be an indoor cat and as long as the kids tried carrying him around like a baby, why would he want to stay? 
      But, and sorry this is getting longer, the story doesn't end.  One month later, while on a walk, we see a sign for a FOUND CAT and there is Fitz in the picture.  I call the number and yes, this family and their neighbors fed Fitz for two weeks, but they called him Norman and their neighbors called him Armando.  But he had disappeared days ago and they hadn't seen him. Again, I gave up.  I was already thinking about what holiday we would surprise the kids with a kitten.
     But, the story doesn't end there. Again on a walk, Lanie and I saw a cat and there was our Fitz running up a tree.  Much to Lanie's prodding, I tried to carry him and push the stroller home but this cat, fat and fluffy and obviously well taken care of, wanted nothing to do with me so he took off.  Though we came back and searched for him, he had dashed off.  Again, I made promises to the kids that we would get a new cat someday.
      But, the story doesn't end there.  Last night at dinner, I get a phone call and the family who found Fitz the last time had him on their porch.  To make a too long story finally short -- he's back in our house again after 45 days lost. The kids are ecstatic; Boo Radley is cranky, and I'm not sure how this is all going to turn out.

I guess . . . "to be continued" for now. 

1 comment:

  1. Jen
    Glad to hear Fritz is back, at least for a while.
    Calendar is great. Your blog is really good.
    Best to everyone.

    Phil & Kathy
