Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Actors in our midst

          Now that Elijah is 8, Lydia almost 6 and Lanie 3, it's always a treat to actually see all 3 of them playing pretend together.  Elijah is often too old for that, or at least too old to play princess or school or mommy/daddy like the girls always want to do, so it was a shocker when all 3 of them pulled off a 1/2 hour of play practice and a show "The Heist" (my title) later that night.  Yes, the plot was a bit thin and the dialogue a little light, but overall, best play ever about a boy who steals gold and chapstick from two sleeping girls.  There is even a fight scene. It really is not an event to be missed.  So, if you have the time, check it out though at 3 minutes and 52 seconds, it may be only a kids play that a mom can love.  If you do find the time, beware, Lydia talks with her back to the audience. I guess it's time for drama classes.

1 comment:

  1. Roman and Lil LOVED it!!!! They thought the fight scene was VERY exciting. Lil's favorite part was when Lydi asked who took her chapstick. I liked when she decided to call 911. A crucial step in any burglary.
