Thursday, February 23, 2012

And then there's Thursday

I wasn't silly enough to take car pics today, but this is a typical school day drive.
    After a luxurious Wednesday, the maddening rush of Thursday just doesn't seem fair.  And this morning was a doozy.  I have come to realize that I have an anger problem.  And I never had it until I had children.  But this morning on the 27 minute drive to school, I got a little bit of road rage.  And because the Wards are runner-laters, and we rush from here to there, this is not an uncommon feeling for me.  This is a sidebar, but I've always wanted a sign that would pop out of my car so all the drivers could see it that would read:  "Look, I'm just trying to get my kids to school so my son doesn't have a tardy on his perfect record."  Something like that so people would feel sorry for me and understand why I need to compete with the posted speed limit.
    After leaving EARLY (hear the heavenly chimes) we got stuck in Pearland traffic.  It's not supposed to be this way.  When you leave early, lights are supposed to be magically green the entire thoroughfare because the stop light fairies are on your side.  Not so.  And here's where the road rage comes in.  I'm fine when it's just traffic, but when I'm the schmuck waiting 5 light cycles in one lane of cars while 30 other more aggressive drivers speed around me only to veer in front of me and fifty other drivers waiting their turn, I get mad.  Something to do with justice.  And then I feel justified to honk and I don't mean just a peep, but to HONK that horn as a Mercedes noodles her way in cutting off my chance to make it through a yellow light. (another law I would have broken).  Of course, I'm shamed with my impatience when Elijah (the only one in the car who cares about getting to school on time - see sidebar above for reason) makes a mocking comment about the bad driver and getting down a license plate to tell the police on them.
     And then I have to check myself, recognize another flaw,  and remind Elijah (and myself) that getting mad isn't going to help anything.  And it didn't.  Instead, it gave me something to feel bad about, and to think about the rest of the drive to school as my daughters took turns singing happy songs.  Parenting is hard.  Doing the right thing, being the good example, blessing your children with nuggets of how-to live a Christ-like life, so much harder.  But I imagine, someday, totally worth the effort.
     Until then, if you cut me off, forgive my little honk.  I promise I'll feel bad about it in just a few more minutes. 

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I'm a road-rager too, in fact, I hesitate to identify my car with LSA and Epiphany bumper stickers!
