Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thing #11: Library Thing

I've been on many a book sites and tried to keep up, but I think it's about timing. I have to be at the right place at the right time to want to be a part of, in essence, a book club. As I mentioned on my profile in Library Thing, I am a bibliophile without the time to read. I am going to try this time around to keep up with my books and jump on blogs to see how others are reading and what they are reading. I did find the ease of this site wonderful. I put about 15 or 20 books in my catalog already and joined 3 groups. It's hard to decide what to spend time reading - novels or blogs - both can be informative and entertaining. I think finding the balance between all of this - reading for pleasure, reading for information, reading for professional edification, reading for faith-building, reading for others - is the goal for all of us and I suppose I'd read any blog of a person who figured this out. :-)
This tool will be useful for me mainly because in the past 10 years my reading has slowed down, though I keep buying books and they are stacked up or lost in a bookshelf somewhere. I have been wanting to create a list of books I have that I haven't read and prioritize them. Having something like this that will provide others' opinions and reviews will help with this task. It is a fantastic site - I'm glad so many people are finding it and using it.

1 comment:

  1. In general, reading blog postings has replaced reading professional journals. This not entirely true because sometimes the blog posting leads to the journal article, but blogs are so much more current than journal articles. Of course, you have to pick the right blogs.
