Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Lately we've been discussing with the kids what it might be like for me to go back to work full time.  Lydia's okay with it.  Elijah is not.  Interesting.

I've asked Lanie several times if she'd like to go to school everyday and not "have" to stay home with mom.  She always says no, that she wants to stay home with me or daddy.

But I think this discussion must have been on her mind because yesterday, out of the blue Lanie announced,  "I just like the God stuff at school.  I don't like the learnin' part. And music class is too long."

"What did you say?" I had to repeat her to make sure I heard correctly.

She clarified,  "I just like learning about God, not that other stuff."

What a girl.  That explains her half-hearted desire at writing her ABC's and why when I tried to disguise adding and subtracting cheerios with fun, she figured it out and said, "I don't want to do that stuff" and moved on to playing with her brother's cars (which she has surprisingly taken a liking too.)

Maybe the love of learning will come when she's 5 or 6 or 10 or not until she's 20-years-old. Oh well, what can I do?

I can encourage her.  I can make learning fun.  I can tell her that my basic resume touts that my educational goal is to teach kids life-long learning skills. Will that matter to her?  Not sure.  Check back with  me in a couple of years and we'll see.

Until then, I'll rest assured that at least she's got her priorities straight, and that's okay with me.

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