Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carving Truths

We kicked off our deliciously cold weekend with Pumpkin Carving.  We can't carve just one, always three. And every year they tend to be a little bit more difficult, and a little bit more time consuming than the last. But always memorable. After a few years as the Ward carver, I've learned a few truths about the pumpkin carving experience.  10 Truths actually, so I jotted them down. I am curious if any other parents can relate.

Truth #1:
Early in the October, have your child pour through pumpkin face ideas and draw 5-10 examples of their own - kills so much time. 

Truth #2:
When you finally get to that church pumpkin patch or country farm (not grocery store), teach your kids to choose pumpkins that will work best with their drawing. (See truth #1).  Makes the picking out so much more involved and worth the 50 pictures you take by the scarecrow, in the hay, by the tractor, in a pile of baby pumpkins. 

Truth #3:
Always have back-up carving tools.  Dull paring knives don't do the trick.

Truth #4:
Put on Halloween music while carving. Even if you're sick and tired of "Monster Mash" and "Thriller."  It will totally set the mood. 

Truth #5:
Teach your kids that pumpkin guts are cool, not icky. 

Truth #6:
Even if you don't get around to actually cooking them, pull out the pumpkin seeds.  It takes times but teaches the kids that the pumpkins offer more than just scary jack-o-lanterns. (oh, and pumpkin pie - but it's hard for a kid to see the guts and connect it as pie filling.)

Truth #7:
When carving, use pencil first.  I don't care how good of an artist you are. It will save you time in the long run.

Truth #8:
Kids are quickly bored with pumpkin carving.  After the excitement of the gut-pulling, they will often leave you to do the work. 

Truth #9:
If you can, convince your kids just to paint the pumpkin.  There's some clean-up involved, but you're free to facilitate without being directly involved. (i.e. on the ground in a straddle position wielding a dull knife.)

Truth #10: If you live in south Texas, do not cut pumpkin until the weekend of Halloween.  Heat does pretty awful things to this gourd-like squash when cut into.  Beware of blackening and bugs. 

Finally, I don't care if your pumpkin is merely 3 triangles and a curved line - shine those pumpkins with great pomp.  Your kids will be so proud!. 

Lydia's Spider
Elijah's Spook
Lanie's kitty (already had an eye mishap)

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