Thursday, August 30, 2012


Here's a run-down of my week:

Kenny goes out of town.
I run around and get kids up, fed, to school, home, do homework, get to dancing, church, etc. etc.
I rearrange the house.

By myself.  Or until I realized that if I did one more "PiVot" (Friends reference here) that the desk may end up out the window.  I call up a neighbor and she kindly and quickly came over to help me get this incredibly heavy desk the rest of the way down.

This is major rearranging.  I'm changing room # 1 (Office) downstairs to room # 2 (Play room)and room # 2  (Play room) to room # 3  (Girls' room) and room # 3 (Girls' Room) to room # 1 (Office).  That's 3 changes, folks.  And lots of wall hangings that will take an eternity to re-hang. But hopefully a lot of getting rid of and simplifying.

Because if you take a look at this pile of stuff in the waiting room #4 (Our room) , it's obvious we are in need of some giving-away practice. 

But the kids have had loads of fun with every single one of their toys sitting out, in the open, all willy nilly, with no reason or way to clean them up.  That's the good life.

For me, not so much. And for Kenny who came in at 1:30am this morning from South Carolina, poor guy, a major shock.  Well, he's been married to me for 12 years, so not that much of a shock.  I tend to "re-arrange" on a regular basis.  I have to keep reminding him that my poor-timing and devotion to change is charming.  Yes, I think charming is the perfect word.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that's gone on a rearranging spree ;) pivot... PIVOT!!!
