Friday, June 22, 2012

Waiting at the DMV

       Last month we noticed that our sticker for our car license hadn't shown up in the mail and it was 2 months expired. Then a few days ago I tried buying wine at Target and my driver's license was expired. Who notices those things? Apparently not me. So I went home without my Pinot.
     After calling to check on the tag which was being re-mailed, Kenny mentioned off the cuff that I needed to NOT get pulled over for 3 to 5 business days until the tag showed up.
      Famous last words. You know the rest of the story. I get pulled over with 5 kids in my car, not for speeding but for an expired tag. And when it rains, it pours. I must have sounded like an idiot to the officer. "Well actually sir we did pay for our tag and in 3 to 5 business days we will have it. No sir, my drivers license is not current and I just realized it. Just waiting for a day without a team of kids on my watch." I thought the kid angle would soften him, but it didn't.
     So today I'm sitting at the DMV. Actually standing. For the past hour with no end in sight. Is it terrible that I keep hoping the people in front of me will forget their proof of residency and have to turn back?
     I did meet a very nice lady who just moved here from Nebraska who was turned away because her birth certificate wasn't official. She had been turned away before for not having a utility bill. Needless to say, She isn't a fan of Texas, its laws or its weather. She hopes to get out as soon as possible. Since I am not in the best of moods, I didn't feel like sharing with her the beauty of bluebonnets and the taste of Blue Bell ice cream.
    But I suppose it is part of the adventure of life to experience the DMV every 5 or 10 years or so. And if I'm going to make lemonade of this, I do enjoy the people-watching and the shared quiet stares of my bewildered line-mates who tell me with their eyes "How much longer?" That part is kind of fun but yeah, that's about it.

Update: Now passing 2 and a half hours. Argh.

Final Update:  3 hours in line, 7 minutes to renew my license

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