Monday, December 3, 2012

My Rag-Tag Crew

This weekend kicked off Christmas program season.  Our first one was at the little church (as opposed to the big church) where we split worship to support both of our Epiphany campuses.  This was a program that almost didn't happen due to some major changes happening in the church which I'm a bit too emotional and raw about to even get into.  So, I won't and instead will talk about program #1 and my kid's performances.  This was a Christmas theatre where the kids would perform a bit, then we'd have salad, then they'd perform some more, and we'd have a main dish, and then more singing, and then dessert.  This is our third year doing this, and it's so fun, and in such an intimate space, always endearing.  Because we were on again, off again, on again at whether we'd even be here for it, the kids didn't get a speaking part or the songs they were singing until the weekend before. So what we had were a lot of faces planted in music sheets, flailing halos, unkempt hair, and angel dresses dragging to the floor due to my poor hemming skills.  And so memorable. 

This very short clip is the best I could find that portrayed my threesome in true sibling fashion.  Lydia is working her new reading skills, following each line of music, oblivious to anyone around her.  Next is Elijah, totally aware of my recording who tries to play aloof at his little sister's inability to stand still.  And then there's Lanie, always marching to her own beat in her head, trying to wrangle this rag-tag team in for a family pic.  

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