Saturday, December 29, 2012

For the Love of the RV

My  kids love their grandparents, and this past week Kenny's parents, aka Grammie and Grandpa joined us for a whole week to experience Christmas in Texas.   I'm certain they would have preferred Christmas in Nebraska with its reliable cold temperatures and possibility of snow on every forecast but instead they got a few sweaty days in shorts followed by a few 30+ degree days which always brings on the best winter colds. 

When Grammie and Grandpa come to visit they always bring something new to our house - 100% attention to the kids.  What a relief that is to me and Kenny (not that we don't give our kids attention) but it's so nice to share the love.   Without even a complaint, Grammie sat on the floor and played a 4-day Monopoly game in which Elijah became a titan and she a pauper.  She sat on a different floor and watched the girls put on elaborate shows, listened to their stories, & played Barbies.  And she gladly sat in the back of the van when we traveled to make-up stories for the kids.  Completely self-less.  I think a see a glimpse of Kenny when I watch her patience with our sometimes self-absorbed kids.  Grandpa, on the other hand, gladly shared his electronic device with a game-hungry Elijah, brought his own ingredients and made the best meatloaf dinner, and helped Kenny with some very muddy backyard work.  Not to mention the gifts he made us were truly unique and I imagine, time-consuming. 

But out of all the Christmas things we did, the gifts that were brought, the time that was given, I think the #1 favorite for the kids when Grammie and Grandpa visit - is that RV. (Which I've written about before here.) There is just something magical about sleeping in a car, or what looks like an extra-big van in our driveway, or playing hide-and-seek with Grammie while in pajamas while in the small space that is the RV.  I've never actually been out to the RV while they played hide and seek so I can't vouch for how good the hiding places are, but it's a game they continue to play each visit so it must be good.  One morning they spent a good 2 hours out there doing what?  I don't know.  But I do know that the house was very quiet for awhile and that is always a nice change.  I guess this means the kids aren't the only ones who appreciate the RV.

Friends will often ask how I feel about a recreational vehicle in my driveway, but I always tell them it works.  It's a perfect fix to our non-guest bedroom, and for the love of the RV, I can't imagine a visit without it. 

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