Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Zoo Trip trumps Work and other things about Lanie


  I've only been working 5 weeks and I've already taken a day off of work.  It had to be done, though. Today was ZOO field trip day (my 6th time) and I couldn't miss it. This decision to let Lanie trump work may be the reason that my principal decides I"m not the right fit for her school.  We're in talks right now about next year.  I've given the green light that I would like to work at Jackson Intermediate -- but I'm waiting to see if Jackson wants me.  My principal mentioned that she didn't want to have anyone on staff who felt "torn" about being there.  I can't speak for anyone else on the faculty but I have a feeling there may be a lot of mother's who work that may be a little "torn" now and then.  So, we'll see.  I'm actually at peace with either decision, which is nice.

   But this post isn't about me cutting class, so-to-speak, but about the annual zoo trip that never seems to change, except maybe the direction of where we walk each year.  What I found really interesting was how clingy Lanie was today.  She wanted me to hold her hand, hold her hand, hold her hand.  A few times I caught myself telling her "you can walk with your friends, okay."  But she was more than happy to just hang out with me and the buddy that was put in our group, a girl named Ellie who I found out was a wanderer.  But poor Ellie, who got her name called on more than anyone else (and bad chaperone me who let her), she really just wanted to slow down and wander the zoo at her own pace.  I was right there with her, but there's something about taking a group of 14 four and five-year-olds around a crowded zoo that makes a teacher focused on "don't touch this,"  and "don't stand up on that," and moving around the park fast to get it all in.  Because I was often bringing up the rear, we'd no more than get to a stop watching the Lemurs or the Meerkats when we'd hear, "Time to move on."  I give credit though to those preschool teachers who are so diligent about safety, because they do love their students, but it doesn't give them much time to enjoy the trip. Of course, with such a big, squirrelly group, there may not be another way.

       The kids didn't recognize all the safety items being thrown at them; they just did their best to keep up and enjoy the day out of school.  And it was worthwhile; they got to see a 4D movie, watch a Sea Lion show, ride the carousal, eat ice cream and the all time best -- ride the green bus.  And I got to witness Lanie in school mode - with school friends and teachers - and any fears I had that she was becoming a "problem student" since she's had to move her monkey and color a few times, are out the window.  She may be a little like her zoo buddy Ellie and wander now and then, but she's fine. She wants to please. She wants to be a listener. She wants to do her best.  But all of these things come a little harder for her, sometimes very hard.  It's that youngest child syndrome.  Yeah, that's it.
But her heart is kind.
So really, can I ask for anything more?

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