Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our Messy Life

     This is the perfect picture to describe our busy life right now.  Some may see this trash-filled car and pity our family and time lost around the dinner table.  Some may see it and nod their heads in agreement that their life is just the same.  For some reason, and this is odd because I would usually be the one to pity this lifestyle, but I'm okay with it.  We had three wintery eat-around-the-table (mostly) months and now we're accepting the daily "who has what, when?" routine and the regular "so what should we eat?"  I think I've said in many posts that I'm not great with big change, but I thrive on little changes (i.e. moving furniture on a whim) and I think as a family we get a lot of energy out of the Spring season.  It really makes that one or two days when we have no plans the entire evening so welcomed and so deserved.

I know I've been a slacker writer but I promise it's not for lack of want.  Time will be my friend, very, very soon.  Until then, a few updates that just haven't made it to a page.

1.  Baseball season for Elijah has had a very tough start.  I mean, really tough.  Sadly, Elijah is so used to his team losing, he's doesn't really mind too much.  Knowing Elijah, maybe that's good.  Maybe?  But, his coach bought everyone on the team a sno-cone after the game last night even though they lost so, for Elijah, that made up for sitting through a 12-2 game.

2.  The girls have their dance recital in 4 1/2 weeks.  Lydia loves going to "jazz class mom, not dance" while Lanie fights getting her tights on.  Why does she complain every Tuesday?  "I don't wanna go to dancing today" only to be all smiles when class is over?

3.  Lydia's birthday is also coming up and we have NO plans.  First she wanted the beach until she thought no one would come all the way down to Galveston. Now she wants to jump on trampolines, or go to Sweet and Sassy, or go horseback riding.  If you know of a place that will a) be super unique and fun b) house at least 15-20 girls or more if siblings are invited and c)be cheap enough for my budget, I'm all ears.

4.  Still Working -- and I Love what I do - creating lesson plans, teaching lessons, and finding books for kids.  I'm also doing what I"m not so great at -- creating display boards, talking to new people (shy, shy), and taking care of overdue books. If only I could take this job and move it within LSA walls.  But it does have its advantages - I bring home the Library Kindle and Lanie (and apparently Radley) get a lot out of it.

5. Kenny has totally stepped up.  He's super dad, and without complaint is helping me try out this new adventure of mine. Thank you, my dear.

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