Monday, March 19, 2012

A Saint Paddy's tooth

      Elijah's lost his 8th tooth on Friday night, right before bedtime -- no big deal, right?  Same song, eighth verse. Well, it kinda was. He had only been wiggling it a day, it seems, while his little sister had been working weeks and weeks on #1 wiggly tooth, and dramatically so.  It hurt to eat apples.  It hurt to eat a corn dog. It hurt to touch it.  So, not to be outdone, the following day, St. Patrick's Day -- Lydia wiggles that little tooth out while eating salad.  No joke.  After the mini celebration and tooth-taking pictures, I realized I now have not just one, but two big kids, as if losing a tooth was a rite of passage.  For Lydia it is.  And since her mean mom won't let her get her ears pierced yet, it's the most important one until that day comes.
     So, now the poor tooth fairy is working double time.  And it brings up a lot of questions from me. Where does she put all those teeth that are sitting in marked ziploc bags?  How does she keep them separated? How does she know how much to give kid #2 so it's the same amount as kid #1?  Does she have to write a letter every time a kid loses a tooth or just the first time?  All very, very important questions.

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