Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Never hurry, never worry" - Charlotte

I have been reading Charlotte's Web to Elijah and Lydia at night. Lydia is listening, but gets bored a little. Elijah is listening, and waiting for a black and white picture to appear. Lydia stops me and asks me to define every other word. Elijah stops me to ask if Wilbur will die? Will Charlotte die? and then peaks in the back of the book before I can swipe it away from him.
I love the story - it's so smart and I've totally forgotten all about it until a friend of mine mentioned she and her children were reading it. The chapter we read tonight has my favorite quote in it. Charlotte told Wilbur, "never hurry, never worry" as he fretted over whether Mr. Zuckerman would kill him or not. Charlotte has a plan.

A connection to faith?? I think so. God's plan, His Will - never hurry, never worry.

"For I know the plans I have for you. Plans not to harm you but give you a hope and a future." Loosely translating Jeremiah 29:11

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