Tuesday, March 19, 2013

From Memphis to Hot Springs

I know, I know. I've been a bit pre-occupied lately so very little writing last week.  And then Today was the big 1st day in the working world.  But because I don't want to make snap judgements about the  Jackson Library (until like maybe Friday), I decided to share some more vacation pics.

I don't have a lot to say about them because the Memphis to Hot Springs portion of the trip was typical - touring, walking, eating, swimming and sleeping in beds on awkward pillows not our own.  But thanks to such a unique place where hot water comes out of small mountains or large hills, depending on your opinion, and has turn of the century baseball history that I could read all day - it was very fun for us.  We only explored for one day which wasn't long enough.  In fact, we have semi-promised the kids that someday we would return to experience the ever-popular Duck Tour.  Or, a much less expensive choice would be to stroll them down the street to the man-made lake and see all the ducks we care to see.  It may not be the cool bus - boat combo vehicle Hot Springs had to offer, but the same end result - Ducks.

Because I have little to say, I'll leave you with some Elvis.  When in Memphis, Go to Graceland.  Mandatory.  We didn't pay a dime to see it.  We just stood outside the fenced in yard with the other cheap yahoo's and took pics.  That was all we needed.  To be honest, we don't love Elvis all that much.  Sure he was a great artist and have some great hip moves and changed the face of rock-and-roll, but he's not my guy.  Nevertheless, we felt compelled to go.  Missing it would be like going to Luckenbach, Texas and skipping out on the dance hall.  (That analogy may not be as helpful for you as it is for me.)

Enjoy the King of Rock, or my cardboard version of him.

GRACELAND - just close enough. 


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