Friday, October 4, 2013

Too Tired Friday

A long, long day after two hours of sleep - - check

Book Fair frenzy come to an end + clean up = home at 6pm - - check

A crying Jackson Intermediate student who yells at me when I call his mom - - check

Two sick kids home from school, one on Wednesday (Elijah), one on Friday (Lydia) - - check

One kid with a lacerated gum/lip (Lanie) after running into a boy during gym class - - check

A guilty heart that I didn't hear the phone ring when the school called about earlier lacerated lip and inconsolable crying child - - check

A Friday family movie at the cheap theatre, "Cloud with a Chance of Meatballs, 2" while previously sick kids and lacerated lip girl eat Luncheables, always a healthy dinner choice - - check

A rock in the van tire, flattened, after coming out of the movie - - check

Three kids who fall asleep quickly  - - check

A good book waiting for me - - check

Thank you Friday, you're lovely, but it's time to put you to bed.

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